Suggestion Spaceship One Back to Store

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by ΠΙΛΟΤΟΣ_13, Jun 7, 2020.

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  1. I'd love to see this plane back in the store. It's by far the best S plane and can easily compete with many M and even L !
    I know it was for a limited time available, but I think many players would agree with me that we need a plane like that in the store. Let me know if you'd like the Spaceship One back! :)
    Maybe we can convice the moderators to get it back! ;)

    cors14, czeria1988, D-vitamin and 9 others like this.
  2. I support the proposal!
  3. Luca1975

    Luca1975 User

    .....only if maximized with 4 hours less travel ....;)
    -katootje- and olexa like this.
  4. indeed the best s plane in the game, i also would like to see it in the shop again.
  5. hell yea! lets buy 1000
    -katootje- and ΠΙΛΟΤΟΣ_13 like this.
  6. Like you have the money to do that, broke boi. Would love to see them in the shop though ;)
    -katootje- and ΠΙΛΟΤΟΣ_13 like this.
  7. Rembri

    Rembri User

    Yes, please bring it back! Have 50, but want a lot more :)
  8. -katootje-

    -katootje- User

    Great Idea. nice to have them back in the shop:D:)o_O
    ΠΙΛΟΤΟΣ_13 and Kimmy like this.
  9. husky016

    husky016 User

    Agree to add it back
  10. hahaha
  11. asparuh1

    asparuh1 User

  12. phboos

    phboos User

    Hope lives etarnaly
    Lila1883 and ΠΙΛΟΤΟΣ_13 like this.