Sort Buddy List

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Boeing-Boeing, Nov 2, 2015.

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  1. This is a suggestion as an alternative to this thread: buddy list search.

    IDEA – Sort the buddy list according to:
    • Buddy Hearts (Default)
    • Name (A-Z, #)
    • Location (Country/State)
    • Cargo type
    • For players who are completing quests, locating a random buddy by Country/State will make things much easier, especially quests like "Collect 85 Perfume" or "Send 115 planes to Nevada."
    • Sometimes, you'll find that someone you hardly know has sent you a whole lot of planes, and you want to return the favour. Sorting is an alternative to a name search.
    • Not everyone trims their buddy list. I keep a list of inactive low-level buddies for quickie spamming when I need to complete quests or collect event tokens.
    • I suspect sorting might be easier to implement because it doesn't have to handle different language input.
    embas, nvmoore83, Norway and 2 others like this.
  2. moonboot

    moonboot User

    100% with you on that.

    So many times have I searched for a buddy I know their name and which country they are from but I find myself spending 10 mins or longer searching for them because I dont know how many hearts we have. Also while sending planes to and receiving planes they constantly change so you never find them in the same place twice.

    Ive long ago gave up on deleting players I dont often send planes to - some I agree dont play no more, some prefer to play without using their beacon or rarely but if I started to remove players now I would still be removing players next month - Ild no doubt also remove people by accident that I didnt want to and nothing can be done to remedy that.

    Only thing I might be able to add would be a system where either buddy hearts drop if player is inactive... but above all a sorting function so you can actually find who it is you want to send planes to is all I really want
    embas, bluejeanz and Norway like this.
  3. bluejeanz

    bluejeanz User

    often their heart count remains the same,but there is nothing to suggest they are not playing anymore
    they make have taken a break. So someone get the hump,that they have been deleted.
    think we need something that says after a few days the friend last logged on.
    embas likes this.