[solved] Seaplane Hangar

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MM77, Nov 8, 2014.

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  1. MM77

    MM77 User

    I finished the goal for the seaplane hangar but I don't see it in my storage.
    Do I need to purchase the seaport first ?
  2. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    No.. just do the next Main Quest ( the one you are on ) and you will get the seaport. >Then you should be ready.. if it doesn't work maybe you need to restart game to have all part shown.
  3. MM77

    MM77 User

    the main problem is that I need to buy 1 SeaPlane... I can't finish the current goal if I don't buy it...
  4. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    If Seaplanes hanger is not in your Storage after restart/refresh of the game, then send a message to Support (you find it next to Forum )
    MM77 likes this.
  5. MM77

    MM77 User

    it is as you said. I reloaded the game and it was in my storage.