[solved] Flashy Racer & Try out medium planes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MM77, Oct 7, 2014.

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  1. MM77

    MM77 User

    Hello all, I've got an issue with these two events.

    I finished the first half of the conditions, but the latter won't acknoledge even if I send/receive more than the require planes...


    Any ideas as to why ??
  2. olexa

    olexa User

    If I'm not mistaken,this quest should be returned flew the planes of your friends and not your own. Try to ask friends you sent these aircraft types
  3. MM77

    MM77 User

    Thanks. so far I've tried sending them message (send me planes @ 250$/message) and the request airplane feature...
  4. MM77

    MM77 User

    so far none of my "Buddies" have sent me planes... can someone PLEASE send me planes !!
  5. MM77

    MM77 User

    problem solved