Skyrama on iPhone / iPad

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Crash_Landing, Jul 25, 2015.

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  1. I certainly would love to see this game on iPhone and/or iPad. I could get a lot more of my friends to play with me, and I could play more often when I am not at home. Its probably not on the agenda, but just thought I would mention it... my two cents worth...

    Skyrama is a terrific game!

    Norway likes this.
  2. Thisisu

    Thisisu User

    I don't think they are coming out with a version for phone or tablets. If you really want to play you can install a flash browser app and then play it that way. I use Photon Browser app it works well.
  3. Ismoair

    Ismoair User

    I am agreed that Skyrama should be suitable with iPad