Skyrama Feedback/Suggestions

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by buffon, Jul 15, 2016.

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  1. buffon

    buffon User

    Since I have "insufficient privileges to post on the feedback feedback forum" I will post it here.

    Overall it is a good game, has a good introduction tutorial and cargo tutorial. Beginner's won
    't get bored because of the constant activity, including landing/servicing/sending planes (probably only 6 min wait time), adding new cheap buildings, and more. The cargo system is very creative idea, along with the duty free shops. Still, there are numerous problems and ways they can be improved.

    When players hit lets say lvl 45-50, after the frenzy of the large planes, the routine sets in, and the game is boring. There might be a few 1 h planes, but eventually the habit of landing/servicing planes gets boring. I would like to reccomend developers to give something to do for players stuck lvl 60-75, instead of doing the same boring stuff over and over. (Its why i stopped my first account and created another one).


    Skyrama is too much of a play-to-play game. I know Skyrama needs money, but over HALF of everything in the shop (which are the good ones) are in airCash, even 60+. A person saving from lvl 1 to lvl 30 could only accomplish that, which is a waste because the tiny air cash your given should be for expanding hangers. AirCash is extremely hard to get (2 per level), all the good stuff costs a lot of it, and even buying AirCash with real money is super expensive.

    I think changing only ONE of the first two problems is enough. Skyrama and its developers could simply

    1) increase the amt of airCash given each lvl (maybe 5, 20 at harder levels)
    2) decrease the cost of airCash items in the shop
    3) add more forum contests with small air cash rewards, WE ONLY DID ONE CONTEST EVER WHY????


    The last thing is that quick service is super expensive. Non "pay-to-play" would never use them. We could change this by lowering the price of airCash for the quick service. Also, a more popular suggestion is to increase the bonus code rate, lets say once or twice a month, but have smaller rewards.

    Overall, Skyrama is a good game with good concepts. Yet, the bugs, problems, and imbalances in it eventually drive players away. But with a few small tweaks (like changing airCash in each lvl or lowering quick service cost) Skyrama would be a better game. Then, the developers can focus on prominent bugs, and in the long term, how to make the game more interesting for senior players.

    plz comment if you have any suggestions :)

    oh yeah and can u move this to Ideas and Suggestions sorry thanks!

    Edit ~NightHawk~: Posts merged.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 15, 2016
    AEROACE, nativenitro and firehawk69 like this.

    AEROACE User

    "Skyrama is too much of a play(PAY)-to-play game."

    hello, correct! skyrama is too much pay to play, welcome to skyrama...

    -slots in hangar = money
    -planes aircash = money
    -delete planes recycling planes = money
    -events high price in planes and you need buy slots = money
    -service express = money
    -decorations = money

    i love the game, but I believe it's time for the company to reduce its costs in the game. we love to play Skyrama, but is currently a weight arrange money for all costs of the game ....

    I hope that the company is smart and put in place the players ..
    firehawk69 likes this.
  3. sefsale

    sefsale User

    You described very well the biggest problem of this game.
    In my opinion, solution to the problem is to make possible to buy aircash with aircoins.
    firehawk69 likes this.
  4. "no money no honey"
    about "I know Skyrama needs money, but over HALF of everything in the shop (which are the good ones) are in airCash, even 60+"
    but I love that Not expensive planes like rama xs, or rama explore etc.