September Buddy Requests

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by pilgrimfather, Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. hi, i´m looking for a night-active buddy (lev.40+) able to handle my planes - returning planes only when signal green - please add and sent fly-by.
    greetings from pilgrimfather
  2. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    Greetings Airport Managers,

    Please use this thread for new buddy requests.

    Good luck in game and hope you get lots of buddies!
  3. bob56308

    bob56308 User

    Name: bob56308, User ID: 12308474 add me plz
  4. serejkaggg

    serejkaggg User

    My name: serejkaggg, User ID: 7209494,
  5. Hello

    Nickname : Psychopathe ID 11924992
    Airport in south Africa

    I need buddy
  6. Ajaysville

    Ajaysville User

    Hello: Started today
    Airport: South Afrika
    Ajaysville ID: 12312746

    Need Buddies
  7. Name: falcojugger, User-ID: 1017060
  8. to all friends of the green signal....

    did you know? Wise chiefs of fleet use our airport as a transferairport for coming events next day

    so please add us and be invited - if the signal isn´t green please fly-by in advance.

    good night and many happy landings :)

  9. fernando

    fernando User

    allways available to have more friends, even playing since 2011

    I am specialy active on weekend and I have airport in Portugal.
    Lv : 60

    send me planes, only when I have green light, please
  10. Thisisu

    Thisisu User

    Late Night early morning player EST new to game, don't have seaport or copter pads yet, just got into medium planes, Need buddies. bad,
    Name: Thisisu, User ID: 12317838
  11. RichP12

    RichP12 User

    Hello im new to the game

    Name: RichP12, User ID: 12321859

    have fun adding me Cya
  12. tommyhn

    tommyhn User

    Name: tommyhn, User ID: Unknown
  13. rhynaste

    rhynaste User

    name: rhynaste
    user id: 12323984
  14. MrMungo

    MrMungo User

    5372139 is my ID.
    MrMungo is my name.
    Returning for the event where I will be very active. Prefer 1hr+ planes.
    Please send me a flyby and let me know which planes you prefer.
    We could have a beautiful "relationship"! ;)
  15. devin88987

    devin88987 User

    Hi I would like a buddy 20+ able to send Med and Small and rama-copters and soon sea plains
    Name: devin88987, User ID: 8794845
    I don't care for quickies but I would do them if I have the time.
    Send fly-by-mairaolites to tell me what types of planes you prefer and how long.
    If you are requesting plains please put the green signal on till your about 200 hearts then just send a fly-by.
  16. LoboDiablo

    LoboDiablo User

    new to game name: lobodiablo user ID: 12333047
    looking for buddies
  17. hi my name is faisal khan.please add me for my level up so fast. i am level 26 .1 month for 8 level passes.please i am request you add me in my user name
    i need best friend for my help
    jinair70 is my best friend.he is send 200 plains perday.i need best friend and i need high level friend.
    note:-i am not accepting low level friends.i am accept level 30+
    you know i am live stream on twitch.i got 2 following in twitch.i am recording everyday.i am create youtube today! i am create my notification on youtube.please read my notification in youtube.
    my channel name is notification has tell you all things.
    note:-this game i am unlock with 5 subscribing
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
  18. Nutcracker

    Nutcracker User

    Hi, looking for new buddies :)

    Name: Nutcracker User ID: 12231851
    (The Netherlands)
  19. Crash_Landing, User ID: 11748849
    When my green light is on it means I am actively returning planes with quick service. However, I have discovered that sometimes when my green light is on, others don't always see it. I don't know whether or not the reverse is true.

    I know many are not a fan of quickies, but I have 60 or so and use them during events to rack up event currency quickly. If you have you quick service on and want to benefit from a round (or more) of the quickies, let me know.

    I play mostly on weekends... not so much during the work week, as I have a very demanding job. I'll be offline most of the later half of October traveling.
  20. Jurrnee

    Jurrnee User

    Happy hellos from my part of the world to yours. My ID is: 12346563 and I am at this time Level 1 and I LOVE airport type games. Please add me. Please be my friend.

    Edit: I now have a nifty helicopter landing pad. :) :) And neighbors still welcome. :)
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
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