Sending planes by time

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by SkyChristine, Aug 20, 2017.

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  1. I know that the Buddy List is not organically linked to the game, however I don't know what is more organical than the sending of planes and communication between buddies.

    My idea is to have a selecting panel as a filter on the left side of the Buddy List to send planes
    First you can decide whether to send passenger or cargo planes (by a radio button)
    then you can set
    the planes by time checking the checkbox before them
    <10 min
    ~20 min
    ~40 min
    ~1 h
    ~2 h
    ~3 h
    ~4 h
    ~5 h
    ~6 h
    ~8 h
    ~10 h
    ~12 h
    ~13 h
    ~15 h
    ~16 h
    ~18 h
    ~20 h
    It shows only the type of planes by time when selected
    Of course, the flight times depend on the rate of tuning and are subject to change accordingly
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
    -NewBlood-, -arkadek- and Fannuska like this.