Request to empty my cashes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -katootje-, Oct 26, 2017.

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  1. georgi73

    georgi73 User

    Please help me out as well - all I can see are grey bars with no returning and no incoming planes to accept;
    User ID: 10160021
  2. -Dexac-

    -Dexac- Board Administrator Team Skyrama

  3. mona7772

    mona7772 User

    can someone empty my cache too
    mona7772 ID 179591
  4. topgun123

    topgun123 User

    excuse me
    maybe I did not properly ask

    I need mine cleaned also, please.
    ID 8290646
  5. Franki1989

    Franki1989 User

    Could my cache be emptied too please

    Franki1989 12999471
  6. Lulu°°°

    Lulu°°° User

    Dear Dexac,
    would you clean my cache also, please ?
    I have booked QS - and constantly program crashes...
    Thank you, Lulu

    User ID: 7063049
  7. -Dexac-

    -Dexac- Board Administrator Team Skyrama

    Dear Players,

    Please contact us directly for technical support, because IT guys can see more. The information you receive will help you solve problems faster. Through the forum we can not effectively help you :(:oops:

    I remind you that Flash memory cleaning can be done by yourself, here you will find details ->

    Thank you for your understanding.
    I close the topic. :cool:
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