Rembri's airport

Discussion in 'Who is Who - The Players' started by Rembri, Oct 14, 2018.

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  1. Rembri

    Rembri User

    Hello all,

    Nice to meet & see you.
    I'm Rembrandt | IGN: Rembri.
    Living in The Netherlands.
    Airport in Spain.
    ID: 12850855
    Update 29/12/2020: Playing level 84

    Have a fleet of nearly 5.000 planes.
    Of which, currently, 26% consists of Rufus MK II
    1.000x fully tuned (4hour)
    300x *** tuned (5hour)

    Already 751x Teflon Liner X20 in the collection.
    Building up to 1.000x
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
    Jet-Jumbo and Minsev like this.
  2. Rarach5

    Rarach5 User

    its amazing
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  3. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    Love it, I'm Level 27 (soon 28)
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  4. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    Yep, I saw it & I said "it's the most economical airport out of all my buddies!"
    Jet-Jumbo and Rembri like this.
  5. Can u put ur ID? Cause there were 2 of them. All thought i did send u a buddy request.. i think anyway! lol
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  6. Rembri

    Rembri User

    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  7. phboos

    phboos User

  8. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    Rembri, you're one of my best buddies due to sending me planes ;)
    benhardman likes this.
  9. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    I'm Level 43. Changed so much since last year.
    Also Rembri, why aren't you're online.
    I only see players online by the green icon.
  10. Rembri

    Rembri User

    I sleep sometimes. And have a day job. And other hobbies :)
    -arkadek- likes this.
  11. Looks good Rembri :)
    Rembri likes this.
  12. Added you. Looking forward to exchanging flights
    Rembri likes this.
  13. Rembri

    Rembri User

    Yesss! :)

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
    babička1960 likes this.
  14. Wow!
    Rembri likes this.
  15. Encarnado

    Encarnado User

    This makes my fleet look so so tiny so small...
    babička1960 and Rembri like this.
  16. How many planes you have in hangars? small+medium etc.
  17. Rembri

    Rembri User