Suggestion Real Time & Weather?

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by MLGMagicHoodini, Jul 13, 2024.

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  1. I've seen some other games, and browser games have a thing to detect where you are, and the time/weather, and apply changes to the game depending on that, would be interesting see a Day/Night Cycle, and Weather Cycle, that is based off the current player location and real weather/time, this could be enabled/disabled in the settings to prevent performance issues

    At Night Buildings, planes and etc could have lights
    During rain, and others lights would be turned on too
    During snow, snow particles could be seen falling, and snow covered buildings
    And more
  2. RoCoKo

    RoCoKo User

    I completely agree with your idea! Integrating a Day/Night Cycle and Weather Cycle based on real-time location and weather could add a fantastic layer of immersion to Skyrama. Imagine the dynamic changes to our airports and planes – lights turning on at night, rain affecting visibility, and snow adding a cozy touch to the winter months.
    It would be great if players could toggle these features in the settings to manage performance, but overall, I think this would make the game feel even more alive and engaging. Thanks for sharing this idea.
    MLGMagicHoodini likes this.
  3. gotuzil49

    gotuzil49 User

    It´s a really cool idea but there are some issues:
    1) Privacy restrictions - I haven´t studied this but restrictions by for example the EU can limit detecting locations, but idk
    2) Lags - people with huge fleets or with a lot of planes on buddy radar already experience lags, so this would not help them, actually it would make the game unplayable
    3) Backgrounds - Each background for your airport has its own sky. A different weather would change the looks of it, and the developers would have to do each one manually, that would take a lot of work too.
    4) Playability - It could also affect the playability, like visibility of the planes, because I bet there is at least one person who plays this game because they like how the planes look. This is also strongly related to Point no. 2
    So despite me liking this idea, I don´t think it can be a thing.
  4. Cool ideas! However, the designers would have to re-illustrate all the buildings, decorations, airplanes, etc., for the nighttime or snow setting. I think that would cost too much money and Skyrama probably won’t do it. But never say never! Rain would be easier to add since you would only need to make the ambient lighting a bit darker, and you could apply the rain as a filter effect over the screen. However, I think this might cause some lag. But they are great ideas!