Rama Outback cannot be sent :(

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DrAndriux, Nov 13, 2013.

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  1. DrAndriux

    DrAndriux User

    Rama Outback wouldn't leave hangar. When I click "send" button, the button goes gray and then back to green, but nothing happens (i.e. the plane stays in the hangar). The plane is fully upgraded with parts. And yes, I do have sufficients coins, and cargo bay present in the airport.

    User ID: 7341034

    Thanks for help... If any... [​IMG]
  2. Norway

    Norway User

  3. Jetbo

    Jetbo User

    Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. The game administration told to to clear all cookies - didn't work. I scrapped my Rama outback. Very annoying.
    Name: Jetbo, User ID: 11108170
  4. GMC1876

    GMC1876 User

    I am having the same issue with my SeaRama-Solo. It was the one i received for completing the quest. I purchased a 2nd SeaRama-Solo and have no problem with that plane being able to leave the hanger. What gives?!
  5. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    Try now if both planes working well.
  6. GMC1876

    GMC1876 User

    Yes! it is now working. Thank you
  7. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    Yw :) Pleasure to help.