Quest glitched?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by squish27, Apr 11, 2024.

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  1. squish27

    squish27 User

    ive got 9 rama m turbos ive been flying out and landing all day today but my quest to launch 10 and land 4 is bugged i have 0/4 turbos landed ive double checked to make sure the planes are correct and i dont want to spend cash to skip it is there any way around this bug?
  2. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello squish27,

    in the quest, you have to send back 4 Rama-M-Turbo that a buddy has to send you.

    If this doesn't work, only support can help you.

    Kind regards,
  3. squish27

    squish27 User

    ah ok i was unsure about that
  4. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello squish27,

    thank you for your reply. Since you have completed the quest, your problem seems to be solved. :)

    I'm closing this thread, I hope you have a nice day.:)

    Kind regards,
    ~Thread closed~
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