Purchase air cash with air coins

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by CL415.KELO, Jun 18, 2014.

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  1. CL415.KELO

    CL415.KELO User

    Please develop the ability to purchase air cash with air coins. (even if it is extremely expensive!)

    I am at the point where there is nothing else I want to purchase with air coins and have over 4 million of them sitting there.

  2. Ismoair

    Ismoair User

    I am very, very agree with you!;)
  3. I would like that to, if it would be 10 000 aircoins or something for 1 cash :D or even more expensive :D
    Ismoair likes this.
  4. Ismoair

    Ismoair User

    I feel that 10000 aircoins for 1 aircash is ''equal'' prize, and 1 aircash must can be ghanged 10000 aircoins;). (Sorry, if my english language is not very understandable :oops:)
    bram.dewachter likes this.
  5. I would like 1 aircash for 10 000 coins but that's impossible, because 50 aircash is 2 euros and 5000 aircoins is 2 euro's, so skyrama would make a giant loss, they aren't that stupid ;)
    Ismoair likes this.
  6. Ismoair

    Ismoair User

    Hmm... That's right...
  7. 1 aircash for 1 000 000 coins would be good, players would play a lot in order to get enough coins that could be exchanged to aircash, this way game would have a constant flow of players. BUT as buying aircash with real cash is the only way game creators can get some money I don't think we will ever get this feature.
    dahlinah likes this.
  8. Ismoair

    Ismoair User

    I think that's too expensive!:confused:
  9. Right now I have something like 8.3 millions coins, I've spent some 4 millions on planes. It's not that hard to get coins if you play a lot. It should be expensive so that people would still buy aircash with real cash so that game owners would still have a source of income.
    Expensive or not, this will never happen in my opinion, even if this looks like a good idea (players would be interested in playing a lot as they would get coins they could use to get aircash).
    I'm level 69, in order to get to level 70 and to get 2 more aircash I have to get something like 950.000 XP, really don't see any good reward system here, perhaps as XP requirement increases with level there should be also a reward increase with level; right now I play only when there are some nice events otherwise doesn't make sense loosing time; perhaps creating new account and starting all over again would be better choice ...
    Antonio197202 and Norway like this.
  10. Ismoair

    Ismoair User

    I disagree!:mad:
  11. Hi..
    I'm agree with you..
    I think we can have more aircash with the level overflow!!:p:p

    AEROACE User

    I agree!

    I come to say that the game is beyond expensive mercenary ... few can afford to have an average fleet at cost real money, imagine a large fleet!

    and above all, you have to buy runways, hangars slots! The game could have a parity of 5 coins you can buy one aerodolar, or something ... you accumulate coins and can not buy more planes because it needs slots (aerodolar), and ends up being that coins is a decorative coin!

    the game is for those who are willing to spend too much money, or else be content to have a few dozen planes! : /

    the game lacks options for those who are above 58, which is the last available flight level, the game is sameness, always with a main map and only sporadic events, the game is expensive! addition to technical errors, bugs ....
  13. Ismoair

    Ismoair User

    I dont understand...o_O

    AEROACE User

    fault of google translator!:confused:

  15. Ismoair

    Ismoair User

    I mean I don't understand your idea.

    AEROACE User

    ismoair, your suggestion this perfect, I just made a rant about how the game is expensive (aerodolares) and how we can not use the coins, I even suggested that every 5 coins, you can buy one aerodolares, but knowing the team of Skyrama, I have my doubts about that change!
  17. Ismoair

    Ismoair User

    Now I know your idea.;)
  18. no no your all bad idea!!!not 10000 aircoin for 1 aircash or not 1.000.000 aircoin for 1 aircash.we need make list of aircoin is exchangble from aircash.for example
    25 aircash50 aircash100 aircash500 aircash
    25000 aircoin50000 aircoin100000 aircoin500000 aircoin
    we need take 4 list for aircash.the aircash is up.it mean did you want buy aircash.the aircoin is down.its mean did you want give aircoin for aircash
    we need make list of aircash is exchangeble for aircoin.
    25000 aircoin50000 aircoin100000 aircoin500000 aircoin
    25 aircash50 aircash100 aircash500 aircash
    we need take 4 list of aircoin.the aircoin is up.it mean did you want buy aircoin.the aircash is down.it mean did you want give aircash for aircoin

    I am promise to you this year has come to my update.
    my list is so beautiful list
    hope you are accept my update.:)

    devin88987, Ismoair and Robertina7676 like this.
  19. Ismoair

    Ismoair User

    You're right.