Purchasable Items With Aircash

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Quanerious, Nov 17, 2013.

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  1. Quanerious

    Quanerious User

    In an effort to continue to not only have fun but also keep food in the mouths of the developers, I believe that several new items should be allowed for purchase. Other games by Big Point have similar ideas or themes behind them.

    12 hours of Quick Service (25 Aircash): This would act just like the 24 hour version already in the store but only for 12 hours. This would not be stackable with any weekend events running.

    12 hours of XP Boost (30 Aircash): This would be the purchasable version of the weekend bonus that is run, usable for a period of 12 hours. This would not be stackable with any weekend events running.

    24 hours of XP Boost (60 Aircash): This would be the purchasable version of the weekend bonus that is run, usable for a period of 24 hours. This would not be stackable with any weekend events running.

    24 hours of Plane Boost (10 Aircash): This would be the purchasable version of the weekend bonus that is run, usable for a period of 24 hours. This would not be stackable with any weekend events running. A random plane would be selected from a player’s current inventory for this purchase.

    12 hours of Passenger boost (10 Aircash): This would be the purchasable version of the weekend bonus that is run, usable for a period of 12 hours. This would not be stackable with any weekend events running.

    12 hours of Passenger boost (12 Aircash): This would be the purchasable version of the weekend bonus that is run, usable for a period of 24 hours. This would not be stackable with any weekend events running.

    24 hours of Passenger boost (10 Aircash): This would be the purchasable version of the weekend bonus that is run, usable for a period of 24 hours. This would not be stackable with any weekend events running.

    Thoughts and feedback are welcome.
  2. Excellent ideas!
    If, as you have said, other BIGPOINT games have these things, I can't imagine it would be difficult to implement here. And think of of all the developers it could feed! ;)