
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by pilotultare, Aug 29, 2014.

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  1. hey! I have on principal objective a mision , I mus send back 4 Rama-M-Cargo , ok I do that but I must to send for he mision 4 Rama-XS-Cargo , I do that and nothing change! plase do something!!! ID user : 9668825
  2. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    I think I have the same problem as you. ... I have to send back 30 planes from Mexico .. it doesnt count as I do this .. but .. it does when I have refreshed the game .. so start up the game again and let me know if it worked ..
    pilotultare likes this.
  3. I will try but I don't think it wil work
  4. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    Did it work !`?
    I think there is a bug (error) in the games counting system .. and being so close to weekend they are trying ( I hope) to fix it before they go home for weekend.
    pilotultare likes this.
  5. no doesn't work :'(
  6. Ya it's a bug or a error because I send right now 20 Rama-XS-Cargo :D and nohing change!!:( and I must send just 4
    I hope this proble wil disappear
  7. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    OK .. I have send you a request for friendship .. maybe by seeing your airport I can help you out..and I have sites to help us on the missions too .. so if you want accept me as a friend
  8. how country you have?
  9. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    Denmark .. I cant find you

    just send you a plane...
  10. send me 4 Rama-XS-argo maybe it works!
  11. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    Sorry .. I had to answer another thread in here that i have started .. will send you a few XS-Cargo
  12. please , somebody ? do something!!!
  13. fernando

    fernando User

    I add you both.
    When I see your green light I will send air-msg.
    βιοτεχνια03 likes this.
  14. hey i got a problem why i can visit any of my friends in the list below the game screen and everytime i try to visit any of my friends the game crashes

    user id: 12043307
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
  15. how to change the language
  16. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    You wanna change forum's language or game's language?
  17. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    I want to know when the shortcuts for going to watch the other language forum will come again !

    - the information level is higher on other forums
  18. i wanna change the game language
  19. what i have to do so i can take a part in the golden age of aviation event it says it has to start at 12 pm cet on 09.16 2014 do i have to land my planes or planes from my friends