Plane Wash

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by pinfall, Mar 23, 2015.

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  1. pinfall

    pinfall User

    We need a plane wash facility. This would add a feature for routine cleansing of outer surface area.

    Planes get dirty. In a virtual world that doesn't happen. Take this idea and put forth the concept that as a plane gets dirty, then the plane performance goes down. Reduction of carrying capacity and increased flight time.

    You land your plane. Move your plane to the plane wash facility. The plane gets washed for certain amount of gold coins. Plane is clean and resumes normal flight operations.

    The design team can create the degree of dirtiness pertaining to flights. Example : Each flight results in loss of 1 percent of carrying capacity and 1 percent increase in flight duration.

    Each plane, copter and seaplane will have varying costs cleaning. Lower costs for shorter and smaller planes and higher costs for bigger and longer planes.

    Just an idea.
  2. wont work feasibly since capacity doesnt really count.