Plane Requests - 2025

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Flight-Attendant, Jan 3, 2025.

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  1. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Dear Airport Managers,

    please use this thread for your plane requests :).

    What information should your post contain?
    • Your Ingame name
    • Your User ID
    • Your special plane request

    Please do not ask for new buddies or advertise your flight times here. There's a different thread for that ;).

    Your Skyrama Team
  2. Joa

    Joa User

    name: fds0
    ID: 13915669
    country: brazil
    send me seaplanes
  3. Joa

    Joa User

    I'm looking for players who are in the Mexico airport game so I can do missions, I need them to send me thirty planes my name is fds0 Busco jugadores que estén en el juego del aeropuerto de México para poder hacer misiones, necesito que me envíen treinta aviones mi nombre es fds0
  4. trovao

    trovao User

    name: trovao
    ID: 13949855
    country: portugal

    Please send me Rama XS-Turbo. I need to return them
  5. biry1226

    biry1226 User

    Since the game is completely impossible, I will close the airport for a while.
  6. gotuzil49

    gotuzil49 User

    Closed for some time too, I´m busy in personal life and also the traffic lights don´t work, there is no point in playing until it´s fixed
    biry1226 likes this.
  7. trovao

    trovao User

    Name: trovao
    ID: 13949855
    country: Portugal

    I am stuck on both my story mission and my main mission. I need to return 4 Rama M turbo and 4 Rama XS turbo. Can anyone help me? Thx
  8. landji

    landji User


    need around 60 planes

    id 12228096
    user landji
    planes of any kind (including searama and helicopters) from anywhere
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2025
    colibrillo likes this.
  9. colibrillo

    colibrillo User

    Name: colibrillo
    ID: 7018106
    Country: Spain

    Send me SeaRama-Clipper for main mission, THX <3
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2025
  10. Name : Alcohooligans
    ID: 13804000
    I need Rama-M-Cargo and Rama-XS-Cargo.
    Thank you in advance.
  11. mate36

    mate36 User

    NAME: mate36

    ID: 3355218

    LvL: 74

    Send me planes of any kind ::cool::cool::cool:
  12. A guy named
    Name: olipolly999
    Country: Sweden

    He need small and medium planes during his 24h quick service, send him loads!