Plane Requests - 2024

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by ~NightHawk~, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. angel9899

    angel9899 User

    Name: angel9899
    User-ID: 5690115
    Country: Russia

    In need of any sorts of planes. I'm active often so timezone shouldnt be an issue.
  2. Piotrek201

    Piotrek201 User

    Hi all,
    May I request 10x SeaRama-Solo?
    Name: Piotrek201
    USER ID: 13667207
    Location: California
  3. Hello!
    Name: wŁaDcA1998 (poor younger me...)
    User ID: 2069433
    Country: Poland
    I would be grateful for some Rama-M-Cargo. Any quantities. Thank you and have a good time!
  4. mczyzews7

    mczyzews7 User

    May I request 10x Rama-XS-Turbo?
    Name: mczyzews7
    USER ID: 13688025
    Country: Poland
  5. Niels

    Niels User

    I am stock on a quest, where I have to send back 5 Ramacopter-Express. Can anyone help me? My name in-game is: mads123!.
  6. mafpiloot

    mafpiloot User

    can someone please send me some Rama XS-turbo and Rama m-turbo? i would send you a lot of planes back, mij name is mafpiloot, country: Netherlands
  7. jebra511

    jebra511 User

    Hi i need 8 Rama-M-Cargo!!!

    Username is:jebra511
  8. Remeikz

    Remeikz User


    My name in game is "remeikz"
    I don't Know where is the ID
    I need Turbo M
    skyradionl likes this.
  9. skyradionl

    skyradionl User

    hi everyone
    • I need 30 planes from Mexico for quest
    • ID: 13315577
    • Username: skyradionl
    • Country: Poland
  10. Cpt.Vincze

    Cpt.Vincze User

    I need to receive Rama-Xs -Turbo ( i wont other planes :) -Anything is ok for my level ;)

    Thank you
  11. TiagoPalms

    TiagoPalms User

    I need small planes to level
    Nick: TiagoPalms
    Id: 13700811
  12. stefan7778

    stefan7778 User

    Hello I need 4 Rama-M-Turbo
    Name: stefan7778
    Country: Romania
    ID: 10656912
  13. ito2468

    ito2468 User

    I need 4 Rama-M-Turbo and active everyday for helping my level, coins, missions (especially return missions)

    For now, I accept medium pessenger planes, and/or small cargo, and/or small pessenger planes, I'm not yet to buy medium cargo bay

    Nick: ito2468
    User ID: 6328795
  14. Hi!

    Name: ThaShinchan
    User-ID: 5208761

    Just send planes :D
  15. PRO100KLAS

    PRO100KLAS User


    Name: PRO100KLAS
    User-ID: 1192345

    I need 4 Rama-XS-Turbo;):)
  16. -KittyRo-

    -KittyRo- User

    Returning after over a decade without playing! :p
    Name: -KittyRo-

    I'd like medium passenger planes for a quest, please!
    Ferreiraum likes this.
  17. qwertum

    qwertum User

    Hello, i need some Ramacopter-Express, i will be also grateful for other planes.

    Name: qwertum
    User-ID: 13214132
  18. Name:sauronfrommordor
    8x Rama-M-Cargo
    Thank you.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2022
  19. BrideElena

    BrideElena User


    55 searama solo please. I'll be playing 4 more hours with QS
  20. Wouter_c2

    Wouter_c2 User

    • Name : Wouter_c2
    • ID : No idea where i can find that
    • 10 Searama-Solo
    Thanks in advance,
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