Plane Requests - 2024

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by ~NightHawk~, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. Mavrycy

    Mavrycy User

    Hi, i need 4x Rama M Turbo for mission.
    ID: 13422569
  2. Name: Carlos2001star, ID: 6108863
    I need 4 Turbo M and 4 Turbo XS, thanks
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2020
  3. Hiii, I need Rama-M-Cargo x5
    Send me pls.
    ID: 12008297
  4. Hi!
    Please send medium planes. Thank you!
    ID: 13177949
  5. Inni.

    Inni. User

    I need ramacopter.
    ID: 5635318
    my times are between 20 and 22 GMT

    Thank you!
  6. randgrid

    randgrid User

    i need rama-m-cargo & rama-xs-cargo

    nick: randgrid
    ID użytkownika: 13430126

    feel free to send friend requests :)
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2020
    BrideElena likes this.
  7. I need to receive 4 Rama M cargo planes.
    Name: FlintAirport
    ID: 13415898

    Thanks in advance!
    BrideElena likes this.
  8. versalius5

    versalius5 User

    Can someone send me 10 SeaRama Solo please
    Name: versalius5
    ID: 5856467
  9. julito665

    julito665 User

    I need 10 SeaRama

    ID: 9675731
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 5, 2020
  10. xXbarteqXx

    xXbarteqXx User

    I need to receive 4 Rama-XS-Express
    Name: xXbarteqXx
    ID: 13443393
  11. kostas2710

    kostas2710 User

    I need to receive 10 searama solo
    id: 12664319
  12. kimamia

    kimamia User

    I need to receive 4 Rama-XS-Turbo
    Name: kimamia
    id: 13445388
    BrideElena likes this.
  13. kimamia

    kimamia User

    I need to receive
    4 medium-sized aircraft
    4 Rama-M-Turbo
    Thank you
    Name: kimamia
    id: 13445388
    BrideElena likes this.
  14. 8ight8

    8ight8 User

    I need seaRama-Solo (10x pcs ) , Im Online now :
    8ight8, ID: 13423444
  15. Josue2003

    Josue2003 User

    I need four turbo M
    Name: Josue2003
    BrideElena likes this.
  16. kazemo

    kazemo User

    Név: kazemo
    ID: 13063000
    I want medium planes : D
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2020
  17. Hey everyone! I need some Sea-Rama Solo to complete a mission!! Please send if you can!!! I will keep my status GREEN so you know I'm here ;o)

    Username patricks2020

    Thank you in advance!!!!!!!
  18. I need to receive 8 Rama M Cargo.
    Name : aeroplano270
    ID : 3361651
    BrideElena likes this.
  19. lisho70

    lisho70 User

    I need to receive 4 Rama-M-Turbo and 4 medium planes. Thanks a lot in advance!
    Name : lisho70
    BrideElena likes this.
  20. #SN4P

    #SN4P User

    Hi! I need to receive 4 ramacopters express
    Name: #SN4P
    id: 13207018
    Thank you :)
    BrideElena likes this.
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