passengers' clothes

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by bluejeanz, Apr 14, 2015.

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  1. bluejeanz

    bluejeanz User

    I know it sounds daft but it would be cool if we could pick their clothes,as they stay all week and are never in holiday wear.
    There could be duty free shops,as in the collections there is enough stuff to start a market lol

  2. would be nice if the shops changed as they level up - maybe a new color or something added to the top or sides?
    bluejeanz likes this.
  3. Zeike

    Zeike User

    Some new shops ie Pharmacy Furniture Electrical goods
    bluejeanz likes this.
  4. bluejeanz

    bluejeanz User

    the shops are so hard to keep stocked up,wished they filled up automatically when the goods landed in the cargo area.
    now if I could sell some of my collections or swap them,that would be handy.o_O:):cool:
    frayy likes this.
  5. bluejeanz

    bluejeanz User

    not sure if this has been mentioned but a proper cafe where buddies could visit and chat....
    sorry if this has been said already....and where are the chaos you get at real airports
    also when the little people stay,wheres the money they pay....?
    there needs to be an intercom announcement of planes being :rolleyes::eek::)