Or update, or we give up

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Freixial, Apr 8, 2018.

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  1. Freixial

    Freixial User

    Ultimo dia.
    Amanhã queremos ver as actualizações pedidas no topico inicial.

    Last day.
    Tomorrow we want to see the updates requested in the initial topic.
  2. Freixial

    Freixial User

    Como hoje, dia 1 de Junho não se verifica qualquer alteração de acordo com o pedido no 1º post, acabou-se o jogo.
    O interesse demonstrado foi tanto por parte da Moderação que, apenas tiveram 1 intervenção e nada relaccionado com este tópico.

    As today, on June 1 there is no change according to the request in the first post, the game is OVER.
    The interest shown was so much on the part of the Moderation that they only had 1 intervention and nothing related to this topic.
  3. SimonM34

    SimonM34 User

    I use to play this game years ago (4 to be exact) and I came back hoping to see new amazing features but it is nearly identical. Thats sad.
  4. -NewBlood-

    -NewBlood- User

    You are really crazy, I don't know what are you thinking, that They will completely rebuild the game because of only your problems? If you don't like it, go to.. well, go away, but your threats will not change anything
  5. Freixial

    Freixial User

    Obrigado por apagar a minha resposta. Mostra Cualidade

    Thank you for deleting my answer. Show Cuality
  6. why do you even still play this game. it`s a dead game for serval years now
    olandiano likes this.
  7. Freixial

    Freixial User

    Senhoras e Senhores
    Quero agradecer a vossa visualização deste topico. É o tópico de 2018 mais visto e mostra o interesse de muitos jogadores que, mesmo sem comentarem, sentem o mesmo que eu.
    Mostra também, a falta de interesse de TODOS os Responsáveis por este jogo.

    Ladies and gentlemen
    I want to thank you for viewing this topic. It is the 2018 most viewed topic and shows the interest of many players who, even without commenting, feel the same as me.
    It also shows the lack of interest of ALL the Responsible for this game.
    (Translate via Google translate)
  8. it sucks that this game is dying its my childhood game :(
    -NewBlood- likes this.
  9. Freixial

    Freixial User

    Vejo alguns jogadores a darem novas ideias e melhorias mas, quase TODOS nós sabemos que nenhuma ideia passará daqui para o NOSSO jogo.
    Porque ele está .... morto.

    I see some players giving new ideas and improvements, but almost EVERYBODY knows that no idea will pass from here to OUR game.
    Because he is ... dead.
    (Translation via Gooogle Translate)
  10. -NewBlood-

    -NewBlood- User

    Don't ya said you r leavin' tha game?
    Norway likes this.
  11. Freixial

    Freixial User

    Fez ontem 1 ano que criei este post.
    1 ano depois, este post tem mais visualizações que alguns bem mais velho.
    Obrigado pelo vosso interesse e participação.
    É que, novas actualizações ...... nada.

    Did yesterday 1 year I created this post.
    1 year later, this post has more views than some much older ones.
    Thank you for your interest and participation.
    Is that, new updates ...... nothing.
    (Translation: Google translator)
    olexa likes this.