Nose Art, décoration.....

Discussion in 'Section francophone' started by Motorizer, May 21, 2018.

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  1. Motorizer

    Motorizer User

    -XeLLeX- and olexa like this.
  2. olexa

    olexa User

    -XeLLeX- likes this.
  3. olexa

    olexa User

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  4. Motorizer

    Motorizer User

    -XeLLeX- likes this.
  5. olexa

    olexa User

    -XeLLeX- likes this.
  6. Motorizer

    Motorizer User

    -XeLLeX- likes this.
  7. olexa

    olexa User

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  8. Motorizer

    Motorizer User

    Mirage 2000c 103-LD
    -XeLLeX- likes this.
  9. olexa

    olexa User

    -XeLLeX- and seanmartin like this.
  10. Motorizer

    Motorizer User

    -XeLLeX- and olexa like this.
  11. olexa

    olexa User

    -XeLLeX- and Motorizer like this.
  12. Motorizer

    Motorizer User

    -XeLLeX- and olexa like this.
  13. olexa

    olexa User

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  14. wizard49

    wizard49 User


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  15. Motorizer

    Motorizer User

    olexa likes this.
  16. olexa

    olexa User

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  17. wizard49

    wizard49 User


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  18. olexa

    olexa User

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Football livery on the aircraft​
    -XeLLeX- likes this.
  19. olexa

    olexa User

    Planes of leading European clubs
    Bavaria and German airline Lufthansa

    Borussia Dortmund recently changed its airline partner. From the season 2016/2017 they became the German budget carrier Eurowings

    «Пари Сен-Жермен» сотрудничает с дубайской авиакомпанией Emirates

    Manchester City is friends with Etihad
    -XeLLeX- likes this.
  20. wizard49

    wizard49 User


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