No incoming planes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BrideElena, Aug 4, 2023.

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  1. BrideElena

    BrideElena User

    My friends' planes have just disappeared. I'm sure they were there before the technical error. They have not expired yet. Now I see only the CowCash plane.
  2. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello BrideElena,

    unfortunately, neither we in the forum nor the support team can check what happened. Sometimes it can help to log out and back in.

    Kind regards,
    BrideElena likes this.
  3. BrideElena

    BrideElena User

    Hello Flight-Attendant,

    I tried that. I also cleared cache. And now I see incoming planes which were sent 5 minutes ago, but not the ones sent before. I thought maybe someone else had this problem too.
  4. -cri1989-

    -cri1989- User

    yes, I've the same problem, but today around 12h, all incoming planes from my friends disappeared and I've also done several logouts and logins, cache cleared, nothing changed. It's very bizarre and the support answered, that there is no help possible. It's difficult to play with friends when you are not able to serve their planes .......
  5. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hi BrideElena and -cri1989-,

    this is really very strange, as I wrote above, it is not possible to check this, not even through support.

    So far there have been no further reports.

    Kind regards,
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