Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BLONDI2011, Apr 4, 2024.

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  1. BLONDI2011

    BLONDI2011 User

    I am asking and submitting a request to add levels 100+.

    Many players have reached level 100 and that's it, they want to keep playing, they have invested in this game.
    mapelu, sercool and Norway like this.
  2. Norway

    Norway User

    yes Blondi I would like to see that happen but i won't hold my breath.
    Best regards besse
    mapelu likes this.
  3. michielvde

    michielvde User

    Might be nice to also spread earlier levels a bit
    If you ask me XP to go up 1 level is a bit too much :D
    mapelu likes this.
  4. Myrtve

    Myrtve User

    Hi, I am level 73 but I don´t have any works
  5. BLONDI2011

    BLONDI2011 User

    Level 73 is kindergarten.
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