New levels 100+

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BLONDI2011, Sep 6, 2024.

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  1. BLONDI2011

    BLONDI2011 User


    We all know that Skyrama has only 99 levels, for regular players and sponsors it is not enough.
    So I have a question: when will there be new levels 100+ ?

    Best regards.
    sercool likes this.
  2. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello BLONDI2011,

    as far as we know, no further levels beyond level 99 are currently planned.

    Kind regards,
  3. BLONDI2011

    BLONDI2011 User

    This is very disturbing news for high-level players, as well as those who have already reached level 99.
    New players come and go quickly.

    Skyrama's bosses should think about long-time players as soon as possible and create new levels for them!

    I hope they will soon POSITIVELY surprise us with their plans.
    sercool and dany2376 like this.
  4. BLONDI2011

    BLONDI2011 User

    It's not worth investing because the most appreciated players are the ones at low levels, it's sad.
    There are players who buy QS and slots in large quantities every day. And it is worth paying attention to them.
    sercool likes this.
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