Suggestion New event by me!

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Jayden.B, Oct 7, 2019.

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  1. (-_-)

    2 vote(s)
  2. (0_0)

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  3. (*_*)

    2 vote(s)
  1. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    Event name: MEGA event
    Currency: propellers


    SUPA 333
    Small Plane
    Cost: 80 propellers
    Time: 6 hours
    XP: 56
    AirCoins: 560
    Passengers: - 300

    Colossal 340-300
    Small Cargo Plane
    Cost: 100 propellers
    Time: 10 hours
    XP: 78
    AirCoins: -785
    Goods: 785

    Bulky 340-500
    Small PLane
    Cost: 60 propellers
    Time: 2 hours
    XP: 40
    AirCoins: 340
    Passengers: -150

    Hefty 350
    Small Cargo Plane
    Cost: 115 propellers
    Time:3 hours
    XP: 49
    AirCoins: - 500
    Goods: 500

    Jumbo 777-200
    Small Plane
    Cost: 130 propellers
    Time: 12 hours
    XP: 99
    AirCoins: 999
    Passengers: - 360

    Whopper 340-600
    Medium Plane
    Cost: 100 propellers
    Time: 1 hour
    XP: 20
    AirCoins: 240
    Passengers: -400

    Lofty 777-300
    Medium plane
    Cost: 150 propellers
    Time: 10 hours
    XP: 89
    AirCoins: 895
    Passengers: -365

    Spacious 747-400
    Medium Cargo Plane
    Cost: 165 propellers
    Time: 15 hours
    Xp: 178
    Goods: 850
    AirCoins: -850

    GIGA 747-800
    Medium Plane
    Cost: 135 propellers
    Time: 6 hours
    XP: 60
    AirCOins: 600
    Passengers: - 200

    MEGA 380
    Medium Plane
    Cost: 200 propellers
    Passengers: -835
    Time: 18 hours
    XP: 160
    AirCoins: 950

    MEGA 380 +
    Time: 10 hours
    XP: 200
    AirCoins: 1300
    Passengers: -915
    Plane PartsBoltMetalSyntheticsElectronicsFabricGlass AirCoins
    Cockpit04010810 500000
    Fuselage09140184 750000
    Wing Unit25512500 500000
    Turbine17391800 500000
    TOTAL322135332614 2250000


    Milimi 26
    Time: 5 hours
    Cost: 80 propellers
    Passengers: - 150
    XP: 56
    AirCoins: 500

    The Stallion
    Time: 1 hour
    Cost: 50 propellers
    AirCoins: 180
    XP: 20
    Passengers: -240
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2019
    babička1960, JEPPE1990 and Norway like this.
  2. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    If it's going to happen, give me lots of credit, it took a long time
    Comment here if you like it or if you want me to tweak it!
    Norway likes this.