More Realistic Gameplasy

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by DJHonore, Oct 17, 2016.

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  1. DJHonore

    DJHonore User

    I realize this might be difficult to implement, but I have listed below some features that would make gameplay a little bit more realistic.

    1) Taxiways
    Currently in-game, planes can somehow teleport directly from just outside the hangar to a service bay. What would be awesome is if the player could place down taxiways from the hangar to the service bay, and then from the service bay to a runway and have an animation showing the plane taxiing in between these 3 locations.

    2) Aircraft Handling Officers (Aircraft Handlers)
    Currently in-game the only "employees" the user can see are those who work in the service bay(s). I would love to see combined with my taxiway suggestion above, Handler NPC's guiding planes along the taxiway.
    cupid151 likes this.
  2. Bullcamden

    Bullcamden User

    As much as that is a good idea, i think it would take away from the amount of service bays you can place. But i do like the idea of more realistic gameplay. The taxiing thing sounds cool though.
  3. firehawk69

    firehawk69 User

    As Bullcamden said would take up to much space and also time.