Bug Mission main goal score a ramacopter and winter event bug.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Rog294super, Jan 2, 2023.

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  1. Hello,

    1. For the main mission score a ramacopter around lv30 i need to buy a medium hotel 2. But i can not find it where it should be. I have already one on my airport from a earlier mission but now i cant buy it by landside buildings and my friends see it also nowhere.

    2. 2 of my friends filled like me the bonus code skylight in. But now they got outside what they should have get free winter event coins out of random. They got every time about 25 coins and they got already over 150+ free coins and 150k+ free passengers (also 1 of those friends got only 28 hours of quickservice). But me and another friend got nothing outside the things we should get from the bonus code. So is this a bug wich happens if you dont reload the game after filling in a bonus code?

    I am netherlands so answers can also in netherlands
    id: 10095661


    One of the other 2 which got bugs has now out of nothing 73 hours of quick services which should now be actually under 48 hours around 44 hours

    Edit Flight-Attendant Posts merged.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 2, 2023
  2. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello Rog294super,

    please contact support for help with your mission.:)

    It is true that there was also 25 event currency with the skylight bonus code, but these were not mentioned due to their insignificance.

    There is a rare bug which books more event currency and quick service several times, but nothing can be done about it, these players were just lucky.;)

    Kind regards,
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