Bug Mission "affair 1/4"

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Yisc, May 23, 2020.

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  1. Yisc

    Yisc User

    I am currently doing mission called "affair 1/4" and one of the tasks is to return 30 planes from Mexico.
    One of my buddies has been so nice to send me a bunch of both cargo and small planes, but while I handled every single one of them, none are counted for this mission.

  2. Yisc

    Yisc User

    I logged out and back in and now the counter has moved.
    Strange as I had just started a session.
    Anyway, problem solved.

    *edit* handled some more planes and again the counter is stuck to where it was when I opened the game. The other ones are moving, so there is an issue with this mission
  3. Encarnado

    Encarnado User

    This is a known bug. The counter for planes from Mexico does not update. If you keep reloading the game, the counter updates.
  4. Yisc

    Yisc User

    Is there a list of known bugs somewhere?
    To prevent me (and others) from mentioning things that are already known.

    Also, will bugs be fixed or is the game no longer being developed?
    Recently I came back to this game and the first thing I noticed was that bugs I reported many years ago are still in the game.
    jank1961 likes this.
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