March Buddy Requests

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Mod-Mama, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    Greetings Airport Managers,

    Please use this thread for new buddy requests.

    Good luck in game and hope you get lots of buddies!
  2. MrMungo

    MrMungo User

    I'll start!
    MrMungo, ID 5372139, can service pretty much any medium - long plane between 12pm - 12am CET.
  3. tilkis2

    tilkis2 User

    hi there

    Name : tilkis2
    user ID : 11948847

    I need 4 rama xs turbo and 4 rama m turbo ..

    If you send me these aircrafts, I can help you whatever you want... Please send me these planes... Thank you..
    Adı: tilkis2, Kullanıcı ID: 11948847
  4. Can somebody please send me 5 ramacopter-quickie.

    username- tommy199mufc
    ID - 11958259
    thanks :)
  5. HansE

    HansE User

    I'd love to get some Rama-M-Turbos

    I am online all the time.

    Username: HansE
    User ID: 11963847
  6. Newbie... send me whatever you have available ;)

    Username: mr_kingding
    User ID: 11968120
  7. master5

    master5 User

    hello i need 3 rama - xs - turbo

    ofcourse i will send planes back if u want!
  8. goldwing

    goldwing User

    All super active members please add me.
    Name : goldwing
    ID : 11955589
    *Honor the light!
    If my light is on send me whatever!!
    Servicing all planes. Serious players only, and if your the kind of "buddy" that request everything and send nothing in return do NOT bother adding me.
  9. mhk1

    mhk1 User

    Looking for buddies.
    mhk1 11975467

    In need of Rama M Turbos and Rama XS Turbos to complete quests....
  10. Margyk288

    Margyk288 User

    Name: Margyk288
    ID utilizator: 6959517
    I m avaible almoust everytimes,and is u need somethink u can ask me...but no cash money :p
  11. baggos24

    baggos24 User

    Add me: baggos24
    id: 5079997

    i want many planes from my friends and 'll do the same !!

    ~Do not add me if you are not regular user!!!~
  12. Damdam802

    Damdam802 User

    Hi, i'm looking for buddies. I can take small and medium planes, cargo planes, helicopters and sea planes.

    Username: Damdam802
    ID: 8082388
    Airport Location: Australia (New South Wales)
  13. Margyk288

    Margyk288 User

    can anyone send 4 Rama M turbo on Margyk288 plz :)
  14. Username: mjr76ks2008
    ID: 11979962
    Airport Location: USA/Kansas

    I need 4 rama xs turbo and 4 rama m turbo to complete quests please
  15. JeffBigg

    JeffBigg User

    Username: JeffBigg
    ID: 6507268
    Airport Location: USA/Ohio

  16. Username: Unimatrix_542
    ID: 11854862
    Hub: Cleveland Hopkins International Airport ( CLE )

    Would love to know what my heart rating/score is currently at!?!
  17. Jimal

    Jimal User

    Username: Jimal
    ID: 11990326
    Airport: Europe/ Denmark

    I need 4 rama-m-turbo and 4 rama-xs-turbo.

    Will help back just let me know
  18. BNicole1

    BNicole1 User

    Hello every/anyone!
    I'm in need of neighbors with the Rama M-Turbo. Need 4 sent to me. If you need neighbors and have that plane please add me. If you need something sent to you just send a fly by and I will send what you are looking for. Thank you :) BNicole1
  19. bazmufc

    bazmufc User

    please add me need 4x Rama M-Turbo and 4x Rama xs Turbo
  20. scaela

    scaela User

    Im just at the beginning and I have one a small runway, but two bays,
    Please help me to increase the traffic, I need to get more passengers, because Ive got 5 Rama but not enoguh passengers,
    Add me to your buddies,


    ID 12004107
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