Lucky Luggage

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by pinfall, Aug 9, 2015.

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  1. pinfall

    pinfall User

    Why can't the random prizes keep awarding the propeller for new airplanes long after a player moves unto higher levels and player spends real money to increase the air fleet?

    I have 28 helmets, 15 joysticks and 40 windows. Even with over 400 aircraft in my fleet from spending my real money for more hangar space, I would still like to have the chance of winning a propeller to receive a free small plane.

    That would still be a nice reward for long term players.
  2. olexa

    olexa User

    I'm in the game for 4 years. I have a 6 falcons, 100 flowers and 3 skyscrapers .54 helmets,, 37 joysticks, 114 windows and 0 propellers now . The largest number of Falcons, that I have seen my old friends are ten. Good luck in the lottery luggage;)
    Norway likes this.
  3. bluejeanz

    bluejeanz User

    i think the lucky luggage is a waste of time...compared to what most spend the returns are not that good
    its time for an overhaul of this feature :rolleyes:
  4. pinfall

    pinfall User

    I just received a propellor in Lucky Luggage. I hope that continuues!!!!

    Thanks to the game owners!!!!!!!
  5. bluejeanz

    bluejeanz User

    it might be a good idea to get QS as a reward as Im sure alot would welcome this now and again......;)