Bug lost progress today / problems /errors ingame

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by arnold2001, Aug 6, 2023.

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  1. arnold2001

    arnold2001 User

    good afternoon,

    since today i have been having trouble with the game.

    - multiple planes vanished when i wanted to land them. planes from friends of which the time passed could still get finished and sent back.

    -upgrades in the workplace for the planes are not getting finished.

    - when i want to send planes to countries and i click them on the map in the bar with players located in that country is not getting filled with players.

    - in the end of the afternoon i became lvl 34. because of the problems i decided to log out and try again to log in. all the progress i made from level 33/34 is lost and i need to start level 33 again.

    in addition of this i also lost a lot of friendship hearts with friends i had contact with who send me planes...

    one of my friends i talked with has been having the same problems lately. lost progress and the planes need to be handled again.

    are these problems getting fixed soon or are these problems for longer time in the game....
    i also sent a similar message to the support but when i send it an error occurs...

    kind regards
  2. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello arnold2001,

    you probably had a rollback, it's important that the system plane keeps coming back and gets edited every once in a while. If it doesn't happen any more, you no longer have contact with the server and data will not be transferred. Which was the case with you. Even a brief internet interruption can trigger this. We therefore recommend a wired connection.

    Kind regards,
  3. Ainyska

    Ainyska User

    When your internet goes down, or your computer falls asleep in the meantime, always log out and log in again to the game, my friends sometimes don't appear, try clicking on another country and then on the original one again, they should reset, I don't know what it has to do with it internet cable, the game would generally deserve a lot of improvement, if the advice doesn't help, there is another technical error that will be resolved in half a year, it worked like that for me then.
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