Lost in Translation

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by fairyfan, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. fairyfan

    fairyfan User

    One of the reasons Skyrama is so great is that players get to have buddies from all over the world. The downside? Sometimes those buddies speak different languages. They send you fly-bys you can't understand. I'd like to pose a solution to the Bigpoint big cheeses: Is there any way you can utilize Google translate or a similar program to translate fly-bys into the receiver's set language? Voila! No more communication gap!
    Unimatrix_Airways likes this.
  2. Nice thought, but I don't know how feasible.
    Most request I get are pretty easy to decipher as some variation of "SEND MORE (INSERT PLANE TYPE) PLEASE".
    Besides, what better inspiration to learn Portuguese?;)
    Unimatrix_Airways likes this.
  3. bln-sxf

    bln-sxf User

    try the following:
    take a sentence, u want to translate and translate it with google to any language.
    now translate it back.
    do u still understand what u have written?
    Unimatrix_Airways likes this.
  4. wildfoto

    wildfoto User

    It's not sending translations that is the problem. It's translating what is sent to you that is difficult. It would be great if Bigpoint could make it so pilots could highlight and copy the text from Flyby banners. Then it would be easy to open another window and use Google translate.

    Or better yet, have banners for every kind of plane. You could then send out a banner with a picture of the planes you need. Easy.
    Unimatrix_Airways likes this.
  5. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    Guess that is impossible to get in game. How about a printscreen? Then you can see message longer and write it to some translation program. But as flugzeug_meister said, normally there's planes name in message so no need to translate hole text :)
    Unimatrix_Airways likes this.
  6. Just one little problem with plane names though... some of them are very different in the different languages. Other times, all you get out of it is they want copters... but what kind? :D
    Unimatrix_Airways likes this.
  7. Oh yeah, there are to many flyby banners we dont use, instead we can use more specific banners, here some ideas
    send me quick planes, refers to 6-20 minutes
    send me LONG planes, helicopters or water for those above 3 hrs and more
    dahlinah likes this.