looking for friends to add

Discussion in 'Who is Who - The Players' started by SKILLER!, Oct 4, 2018.

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    SKILLER! User

    Im looking for people to add.
    You can also add me: SKILLER!
    I have 4 docks, 6 helicopter platforms and can land L planes too.
    Level 48. I have around 100 planes, best ones:
    -4x MillionAirX fully upgraded
    -2x Marvelwing fully upgraded
    -8 skyrama mx copter
    -8 skyrama aqua
    Saturday+sunday I always have 24h quick service

    Thank you
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  2. johnny65

    johnny65 User

    Request sent !!!
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  3. Rembri

    Rembri User

    request sent

    I am level 45 and would love to recieve planes.
    can land big ones, 2 harbours, 4 helipads, 16 medium & 1 large cargo blocks
    17 medium & 2 large passenger aircraft blocks
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  4. request sent

    I am level 24 and i need Ramacopter Quikies at the moment!
    I can land Medium, Copter, and Small planes. I have 1 helipad, 5 medium, 2 cargo (1 medium/1 small), and 1 small. I also have 2 medium runways!
    I have 9 mediums, 4 copters, and 16 smalls (some upgraded).
    Most of my planes are upgraded to level 1 or 2.
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  5. request sent :)
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  6. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    Boo Hoo Hoo,you're so fortunate because I only have one! :(
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  7. johnny65

    johnny65 User

    Request sent
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.