
Discussion in 'Who is Who - The Players' started by krasnoludek10, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. Hello ! I decided to present not only on the Polish Forum :)

    Name : Tom
    Nickname forum : Zbigniew ,diminutive Edward or Zdzichu,diminutive Edward :p
    From nick : computer game (specifically from the farm because it played as the first;))
    In Skyrama play this year and only so much I remember regarding the date: (
    Age : 17 years old
    Birthday : 27th October
    Level : I don't know.
    Animals : dog
    I don't like : sports
    Like : winning in various games :p
    Favourite school subject : Maths
    Favourite dishes : beetroot soup with dumplings, spaghetti bolognese
    Other games I play BP : farmerama ( I'm waiting for harvest) , zoomumba (I look forward to an interesting event) , fantasyrama ( I play sometimes) by which very often does not knead the Skyrama unless there is no interesting events: p
    Location : Warsaw ;)

    EDIT: Fantasyrama - closed.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2017
    serinata likes this.