June Buddy Requests

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Mod-Mama, Jun 1, 2014.

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  1. teodoratt

    teodoratt User

    New Looking for buddies.
  2. add me AblazinEagle
  3. Meischa

    Meischa User

    ID: 610644
  4. cpnnick

    cpnnick User

    ID: 12179735
  5. muck69

    muck69 User

    Muck69 ID: 140227
  6. Hello,

    I am le_vicking76

    Id 12166475

    From France

    Please add me to send and request planes.

    I am a very active player so, see you soon
  7. Sinistro

    Sinistro User


    ID: 12171495
  8. pawelvinci

    pawelvinci User

  9. jilouise

    jilouise User

    jilouise, User ID: 12165337. New, but active. Small/medium; small cargo at present

    also needing planes to return: Rama-M-Turbo; Rama-XS-Turbo
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
  10. DanzFarm

    DanzFarm User

    *** Serious Player Search ***

    Hello, I'm in need of a few more SERIOUS players to add to my specialized buddy list. I keep my list limited and updated, and only contains serious players. If you are a QS user you need to be on my list. If you have a huge fleet...you need to be on my list. If you're a hardcore Skyrama player...you need to be on my list. Get my drift? If so, and this applies to you...ADD me asap and let's do this damn thing!!

    Cya on the inside!

    ADD: DanzFarm User#: 15628
  11. JeremyASV

    JeremyASV User

    Haven't seen a July thread yet so I am trying this here. I am in need of medium planes and specifically M Turbos. If anyone can send some my way, I would appreciate it!

    Name: JeremyASV, User ID: 12197340. Thank you!
    Name: JeremyASV, User ID: 12197340
  12. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    So sorry for that :D Totoally forgot to do that.
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