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Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mickie25, Sep 26, 2017.

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  1. mickie25

    mickie25 User

    Szia, igazán tetszik az ötlet! :)
    Volna egy nekem is: hazatelefonál
    home full of yarn :p
    serinata, DÉDI and Attila201409 like this.
  2. kimagasló
    who high horse :)
    serinata and mickie25 like this.
  3. DÉDI

    DÉDI User

    six apple many

    ezt adta ki a fordító :)
    serinata, glacika56 and mickie25 like this.
  4. Airpetya

    Airpetya User

    mother ticket
    serinata, **M**, DÉDI and 1 other person like this.
  5. glacika56

    glacika56 User


    six litter
    serinata, DÉDI and Attila201409 like this.
  6. szemfelszedés

    eye up glean and
    serinata, DÉDI and glacika56 like this.
  7. glacika56

    glacika56 User


    law power
    serinata, DÉDI and Attila201409 like this.
  8. repülőgépanyahajó
    fly she machine mother if good
    serinata, mickie25 and DÉDI like this.
  9. glacika56

    glacika56 User


    knight horse
    serinata, DÉDI and Attila201409 like this.
  10. glacika56

    glacika56 User

    cattle good
    bite boat
    serinata, Attila201409 and DÉDI like this.
  11. Elemér
    battery vein
    glacika56 likes this.
  12. mickie25

    mickie25 User

    room organ taste

    color line :)
  13. biry1226

    biry1226 User

    wanderer color wit

    serinata and Attila201409 like this.
  14. biry1226

    biry1226 User


    iron the horse board
    mickie25 likes this.
  15. biry1226

    biry1226 User


    small cuman party one home
    Attila201409 likes this.
  16. hajló
    hair horse
    biry1226 likes this.
  17. glacika56

    glacika56 User

    optic glass frame


    knife pierce dig
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
    biry1226 and Attila201409 like this.
  18. biry1226

    biry1226 User


    tooth dream and determination


    hanger wood to
    Attila201409 likes this.
  19. glacika56

    glacika56 User

    leg break shoot
    biry1226 and Attila201409 like this.
  20. biry1226

    biry1226 User


    raw material priate place
    serinata, Attila201409 and glacika56 like this.