Discussion in 'General Archive' started by biry1226, Nov 17, 2017.

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  1. Tamara
    Attila201409 likes this.
  2. Adrienn
  3. Nóra
    Attila201409 likes this.
  4. Anikó
  5. biry1226

    biry1226 User


    Attila201409 and szarvasferi like this.
  6. Adél
  7. biry1226

    biry1226 User

  8. Evelin
  9. biry1226

    biry1226 User

  10. glacika56

    glacika56 User

  11. Amál
  12. Ildikó

    kicsit lassú a netem :D
    lemaradtam mint a borravaló :)
    akkor most pihi :D
    biry1226 and szarvasferi like this.
  13. biry1226

    biry1226 User

  14. valami megint nem stimmel :)
    erős a gyanúm én keverhettem el valamit...
    feladom ...
    sosem írok elsőnek :cool:
    ma elméletileg az állatok jönnének viszont kimaradtak a növények ....
  15. biry1226

    biry1226 User

    akkor legyen:

    Attila201409 likes this.
  16. fóka
  17. audi80td

    audi80td User

    Attila201409 likes this.
  18. biry1226

    biry1226 User


    Attila201409 likes this.
  19. aligátor
  20. audi80td

    audi80td User

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