
Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by jank1961, Oct 26, 2020.

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  1. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    <3 Thank you all.. so very nice of you <3 my heart & soul says yes but my body & mind says no.. i can only be here from time to time during the day.. & i will only be here on the xp days.. i still suffer from the after effects from the covid-19.. i can't focus or concentrate for longer periods of time & sometimes i get confused & dizzy not knowing where i am or what i do or what i say & the noise in my ears that gives me a very bad headache that comes & goes in different intervals.. in writing moment i am ok & feeling fine & in the next not so good at all.. but i am starting to seeing the signs of getting better & i am still waiting for the first sample coming back from the lab with a negative result.. i need to get 3 of those in a row & then i am good to go home.. if all goes well hopefully in the week to come ;-) all for now.. i wish you all a sweet sunday.. njoy & have fun.. always remember to take really good care of you & all your loved ones.. most of all.. stay safe & well <3

    kind regards

  2. andrusca69

    andrusca69 User

  3. Jet-Jumbo

    Jet-Jumbo User

  4. Jet-Jumbo

    Jet-Jumbo User

  5. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    <3 Awww.. i am touched.. to happy smiles & tears.. thank you so very to all of you.. that is absolutely so very kind, nice & sweet of you.. it will help me a lot to feel & get better in no time & help me to completely recover from the corona / covid-19.. i am feeling so much better already <3 all for now.. i will get back asap.. until then.. stay safe & well & take really good care of you.. i wish you all a marvellous monday <3

    warm greetings & kind regards

  6. asparuh1

    asparuh1 User

  7. Jet-Jumbo

    Jet-Jumbo User

  8. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    On such a lovely day in life it is very hard for me to be negative & not to be cheerful.. i feel like i am flying ;-) finally.. the samples have returned from the lab with a negative result.. 1 down & 2 more to go & i can go home.. next one is on wednesday & the last one hopefully on friday ;-) so.. after i do not know how many deep dishes of different kinds of soup & tons of cups of tea.. i am granted ordinary food.. & from the staff a glas of wine to celebrate.. i can hardly wait for dinner time ;-) on top of that.. i am having my first cup of coffee for i do not know how long.. just the smell of the coffee.. mmmm ;-) i have just received these wonderful news & i just thought you all should know <3

    best wishes for you all.. always.. in all ways <3

    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
  9. flightzero

    flightzero User

  10. Jet-Jumbo

    Jet-Jumbo User

  11. andrusca69

    andrusca69 User

  12. Jet-Jumbo

    Jet-Jumbo User

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    andrusca69 and jank1961 like this.
  13. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    Good Morning all.. life is good & what a wonderful day in life this is.. i have just received my 2nd negative sample result from the lab.. now i will be taken out of the isolation & moved to the ordinary unit waiting for my last sample taken a few minutes ago to return negative on friday & then i will be going home.. i am ok & feeling so much better in writing moment than i have in a long time & now only waiting for friday to come around ;-) i wish you all a wonderful day.. take care & stay safe & well <3

    kind regards


    ps! thank you so very much to all of you for all your kind comments & posts <3
  14. Jet-Jumbo

    Jet-Jumbo User

  15. Jet-Jumbo

    Jet-Jumbo User

  16. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    <3 Dear All <3 as you read these lines i have been released from the hospital & have returned home.. my last samples was processed as urgent caused by the rising numbers of people being infected with the covid-19 & more people are getting hospitalized here in Denmark & my last samples returned negative for the 3rd time in a row so the doc released me before time telling me to be careful & taking it easy until i have completely restored my strength.. i think that will be only a couple of days as coming home will help a lot with just that ;-)

    So.. this will be last post from me here in this subject.. from my heart.. thank you so very much to all of you for all your kind words & posts.. so very much appreciated & it helped me a lot getting through & to recover from the covid-19 completely <3

    heartwarming greetings & kind regards


    ps! take care & stay safe & well <3 now it is back to normal whatever that is & to life.. oh i can hardly wait to get into my own bed <3
  17. Jet-Jumbo

    Jet-Jumbo User

  18. flightzero

    flightzero User

    How nice that you can go home again. Home sweet home.
    jank1961, olandiano and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  19. andrusca69

    andrusca69 User

  20. olandiano

    olandiano User