ios and android devices

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by StefRox2001, Apr 2, 2016.

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  1. I think bringing this game over to android and ios could bring in lots of new people to play this game

    please consider

    thank you
    gigiz and jank1961 like this.
  2. bluejeanz

    bluejeanz User

    I tried that but had a job to get the flash player set up,have you been able to...?
  3. gigiz

    gigiz User

    They are thinking to do this.
  4. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    download the browser puffin & there you go.... play skyrama on any android tablet.... just thought you all should know.... i have tried it out & it works perfectly :)
    teamup and bluejeanz like this.
  5. bluejeanz

    bluejeanz User

    thanks I will try that out :)
  6. gigiz

    gigiz User

    Will it work well on a S3 phone ?
  7. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    you are welcome.... my pleasure :)
    teamup likes this.
  8. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    i have tried it out on my tablet & on my phone.... both samsung & it worked without any problems :) i will however not play it on my phone.... found that the screen is too small but now i can have skyrama with me on my tablet :)
  9. gigiz

    gigiz User

  10. Norway

    Norway User

    It work's :))
    jank1961 likes this.
  11. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    yes it does.... i was surprised by how fast & smooth the puffin browser runs playing skyrama on my tablet.... so much better than on my pc.... could only hope for the puffin broswer to become available for pc perhaps maybe someday suddenly.... njoy playing skyrama with the puffin browser :)
    Norway likes this.
  12. gigiz

    gigiz User

    How often would say the app crashes?
  13. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    today i have been playing skyrama on my tablet for 8 hours straight & it haven't crashed yet :)
    Norway likes this.
  14. gigiz

    gigiz User

    Norway likes this.