Instant Upgrade Option

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by bojour, Dec 17, 2023.

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  1. bojour

    bojour User


    Just revisiting an idea that a previous member and myself would really be available in future updates of the game that seem to be a dream that fails to manifest for many of us players.

    Can we get an instant upgrade option urgently.. Selecting each component to upgrade is applicable depending on how many parts are available, which is understandable,, but for gamers who have over 100 or more planes to upgrade and have the parts,, it takes almost an hour or two.. that is 2 time consuming...An instant upgrade option will be beneficial and adds value to the game...

    Other worthy idea mentions, include,, buddy search feature, Auto plane launch and landing, ..Instant Plane builds..

    Appreciate your response on the idea...Thanks.
    mapelu likes this.
  2. mall5

    mall5 User

    those are good ideas, but i dont think BP will ever consider any of it:( sad but tru.:rolleyes:seen other great ideas for years now and not even a change has been done. Wasting ur time. BP dont care about us anymore.
    they dont even acknowledge or comment on the ideas in these postso_O
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2023
  3. @~NightHawk~
    I completely understand that for bigpoint this game is nowhere near being the main focus, but can you please consider attempting to push a change to how upgrading planes works? Because it really does take way too long to do it, find a way to for example select how many planes people could upgrade, something like adding a slider below the upgrade button where you can choose how many of your planes you update at once, that would already save players an immense amount of time and would greatly improve QOL.
    Thank you!
    mapelu likes this.