Indication on Level of Buddies

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by SkyChristine, Sep 10, 2017.

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  1. There could be an editable billboard on every airport showing the Level of Buddies and Length of Planes to be accepted.
    I came to it because there are lot of new (small level) players trying to be accepted by high level players who already dumped their short planes and are physically unable to help them in their game.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
    olandiano and Norway like this.
  2. yes i'm on level 51 i'm not a very small player but i want a big plane and i only have a friend that's very good but he only sent a plane and there were only 10
  3. you have to try to communicate with your buddies
    otherwise it is only about sending and receiving planes
    embas123 and olandiano like this.