Suggestion Improvements

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by PDN57, Jul 26, 2018.

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  1. PDN57

    PDN57 User

    Can there be a way I can turn off the daily goal and lucky luggage? I believe these are for beginners. I’m at Level 79 and getting 200 people and 100 coins each time or vice versa. Doesn’t do me much good so I don’t do the daily goals the other I have no choice when I turn my game on or watch it blink all day. As I reach the higher levels of this game 2 XP and a few coins etc. Isn’t much of an incentive and not much of a reward? Sure now and then I get more land or access to a different plane. A better incentive. I get more rewards when recycling and building larger planes. At least there worth doing. As for the peace plane I know it’s a gift but I’m more of a regifter. There should be a way to give it to someone else as a gift. I’m sure all these comments will go via deaf ears but it’s my 2 cents
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