Ideas from closed russian forum

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by AndrewLevRus, Apr 8, 2017.

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  1. Hi here dear immigrants from RIP russian forum!
    Here come our ideas and new ones:
    1) show which cargo inside planes (my incoming flights);
    2) friend find tool at friend list;
    3) new one: minimise service time because it`s impossible to play without quick service.
  2. Hello. Dear administration, it is very pleasant, what was not in the Russian forum, that you, as I looked, are considering all the ideas. Could we come to a neutral solution in the matter of acquainting you with the same thread ("пожелания и идеи") in the Russian forum, unfortunately I do not have the opportunity to drag them all here at once.
    ... I would like to note that many ideas that were expressed in the Russian forum in particular, I personally did not like for the reason that they bring the game closer to reality, for example, to update the flight time and distance, saying that a small plane for 5 Minutes to the other side of the globe will not reach in any way, here I believe that the last word is yours, because it is in the end game and there is a place for such comics. In addition, many ideas inevitably lead to lags in the game and also, many ideas turned out to be prohibitively large, in my opinion, rise in price (the cost of 5 0000000 L aircraft will be too high).But it is very important, I believe, so that you can see how much cargo I have on the way, not to consider how many planes for what cargo was sent.The best improvement for the game, in my opinion - is the lack of bugs and good friends. Thank you.

    Another improvement is the increase in the shipment of turbo fuel per day.
  3. New idea! Make the button "redirect to the same" ie. At quick service we have the opportunity to quickly receive the aircraft, but then it must be withdrawn and to choose whom to send, I propose to make the button "resend" or spin again "repeat", that is, send it to the same player immediately, without fussing with the hangar.