Ideas and Suggestions Section Rules

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by CorvuS, Nov 26, 2013.

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  1. CorvuS

    CorvuS User

    You have a new idea:
    Please check the sections to see if your idea has been posted before. Search Option
    (We will close if it is an old / repeat idea)

    Posting Threads:
    - Try making your thread as clear as possible.
    - Where is will be, cost, how long it lasts, Pros + Cons etc.
    - Make the title of your thread about what your idea is, this may get people interested in it.
    - Polls in this section are NOT allowed and will be deleted without question. (And will receive an infraction)
    - Ideas with lots of spam and getting bad attitude in them will be closed.

    You want to answer to an idea:
    - Please post a constructive answer
    - Posts which just say: "I hate this, don't do it" - "it sucks", etc. will be considered as spam and deleted.
    - If you want to suggest a change to the OPs idea, then do so in a nice manner.
    - Repeated same answers will be considered as spam and deleted.
    - Off topic discussions are not allowed and will be considered as spam and deleted.
    - Full quoting of posts are not allowed
    (it's really bad if you have to pass the same endless post 3-4-5 times)

    Any changes of this rules will be updated here, so please do check these often.

    Thank you for understanding and your help/ideas in advance.
    yuriumeda likes this.
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