Bug I have a plane stuck in my airport

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by hugom70, Aug 17, 2022.

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  1. hugom70

    hugom70 User

    Hello, after a break I came back to play recently and I remembered having a Christmas plane, until I found it here

    In my hangar he is greyed out, unavailable. he isn't on my radar and no interaction is possible with him, I tried to put a cargo bay underneath but nothing changed.

    My ID: 10798575

    Please help me, Regards.
  2. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Board Administrator Team Skyrama

    Hello hugom70,

    please update your game, then the planes should be back in the hangar. :)

    Kind regards,
  3. Dydou

    Dydou User

    Hello same here, 4 planes stucks "out hangar" ( 3 Cargo M and 1 -Chrismas-sky) but they are not in the sky or tarmac

    My ID : 7876073

    Please help me, Regards.
  4. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Board Administrator Team Skyrama

    Hello Dydou,

    you have already been to support, they have already helped you.:)

    Kind regards,
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