How to make money quickly

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Gimala01, Jan 20, 2014.

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  1. Gimala01

    Gimala01 User

    How can I make money quicker? I need to extend my airport, but its taking me ages!
  2. Sending planes, having more merchades, being active a lot of time, caring friend's planes, I hope you understand my English... :D
  3. Roady879

    Roady879 User

    Try to Buy some shops Burger,Pastry,Jewelry and Gift Shops .Then you need to fill up warehouse with goods. then you ca load up your shops. and make money when planes land.
  4. saeta25

    saeta25 User

  5. delisha

    delisha User

    from where to get the medium hanger
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