How are event currency drops calculated

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by viktor402, Dec 25, 2022.

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  1. viktor402

    viktor402 User

    As some of might have already experienced, event currency has a higher chance of dropping for planes with a longer flight time. However I cannot find any concrete info on this forum about it.

    A few things already come to mind for me. First of all, how is it calculated. Is there a formula or table to know what probability for event currency there is for each flight time? This is actually quite useful to know when building up a fleet.
    Secondly does tuning affect drops of event currency negatively? i.e. does tuning, which lowers the flight time make event currency drop less frequently or is the original flight time taken into account?

    An answer to this question would in my opinion be very useful for players to know when designing their fleet to maximize collecting event currency during events.
  2. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

  3. viktor402

    viktor402 User

    Thanks for the info! Clearly I didn't search the forum well enough. I might test the drop rate myself with my fleet and post some findings later.
  4. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello victor402,

    thank you for your reply. :)

    This section is for Questions & Bug Reports. If you want to post results about this, you can create a thread in the "Players' Corner" section.

    I'll close this thread and wish you a nice evening. :)

    Kind regards,

    ~Thread closed~
    viktor402 and olandiano like this.
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