High Spirits 2/5

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BAW815_1, Jan 19, 2014.

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  1. BAW815_1

    BAW815_1 User

    I seem to have an issue with the system recognizing I am sending Rama M-Cargoes to Florida. I have logged out and back in. Cleared all caches, Flash and browser up to date. Figured it was you when logging out then in didn't fix the problem.

    User name: BAW815 ID: 10840169

  2. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    Needed to test and yeah, seems that goal isn't counting your planes when sending to Florida. I will report this to team and they can have a look what's wrong there.
  3. BAW815_1

    BAW815_1 User

    Thanks, let me know the decision when you get word.

  4. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    There was something wrong with that goal on your account, should be fixed now :)
  5. BAW815_1

    BAW815_1 User

    I notice I have a new goal now, thank you. You can close.

  6. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    You're welcome! Have a nice flights :)
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